I went on a walk in search of the owls. As luck would have it, a balloon in a tree caught my attention and as I looked up, I saw this beautiful adult.
Bill Mannan, at the U of A, has done quite a bit of research on urban raptors. He has some interesting things to say about raptors, much of which makes me think we are lucky to have their presence in our neighborhood.
Typically, Great Horned Owls will nest in areas that are moderately developed, as opposed to a more urban area like downtown. They depend partially on other raptors like hawks by occupying their nest sites. (From what I was told, these owls took over the nest of a hawk and the church had mixed-feeling because the hawk had been eating the pigeons which were becoming a nuisance). The owls will also nest at the cup-like form that is created at the base of some palm trees or at man-made structures with the right conditions. The presence of large Aleppo pines and eucalyptus trees helps raptors, who use them to hunt from and nest in...and indeed this owl was seen in an Aleppo Pine.
Here are a few other interesting facts about the Great Horned Owl:
- They occur all over the U.S. and parts of Canada, making them one of the most wide-spread species of owls.
- They weigh from 3 to 4 pounds, are 18-25" tall, and have a wingspan of between 3 to 5 feet. The females are typically bigger than the males.
- They use their ear tufts as a form of communication, moving them in certain ways to convey different messages. If they are irritated, the tufts lay flat, if they are inquisitive they stay upright.
- Their call sounds like they are saying "Whose Awake, Me too" in a series of deep hoots.
- They are one of the earliest spring nesting birds.
- They eat a variety of prey including cottontail rabbits, squirrels, mice, snakes, scorpions, other birds, and even cats and small dogs. (Keep an eye on your animals).
- They can rotate their head 270 degrees. Amazing!
We had a Great Horned Owl sitting for about 20 minutes on a telephone pole in the backyard last week. We live in the 2600 block of Lee St. I had heard the owls were around, but very exciting to see one in our yard. We do get regular raptor visitors, but mostly hawks - red tailed, coopers and kestrals are the most frequent.
That's so exciting! Bill Mannan's article that I posted the link to also talks about red tails, coopers, and kestrals, and a few other raptors Some are more urban than others.
I saw a smaller raptor yesterday perched on top my neighbor's fountain. He was kicking his feet in the water looking rather happy. I stood there for a few minutes watching and laughing.
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